Ways to Speed Up a Divorce Case. Need Help?


Delaying the divorce when you’re certain that you don’t stand a chance of making it work with your partner could only make things worse. So, how can you quicken the process? A marital split often takes more time than we presume, typically because of some child custody issues, property issues, and fee churning. Mandatory waiting periods, conflicts, and several other complexities are involved.

Speeding Up the Divorce

Here are some ways to speed up the divorce.

Waive Mandatory Waiting Period

If you’re going through an uncontested divorce, you can petition the court to waive your mandatory waiting period.

Early Preparation

Gather all your financial and other important documents before you meet your prospective lawyer. Try to meet your lawyer early as well, as they may inform you if you need to submit other documents to prevent further delay.


Cooperating with your spouse during a divorce can potentially help you stop the divorce process from extending further. While you don’t need to agree to everything your spouse says, following the guidelines, early preparations, meeting deadlines, and promptly responding to the information requests and clear communication can help.


The easiest way to speed up divorce is to agree with your spouse. If this happens, you won’t have to wait for months and weeks for the process’s completion.

a couple going through a divorceIf you resolve your differences before going to court, you would be able to save your time and may reduce the billable hours during a case. It may also help you get an uncontested divorce, which would eventually reduce the financial burden associated with a divorce.

A mediator may help you sort out all your concerns amicably.

Need Help?

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Disclaimer: This blog is only intended for educational purposes and shouldn’t be used as a substitute for legal advice.


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