Understanding the Different Types of Child Custody That Exist Today

mother playing with her daughter

When it comes to having kids, you never think of a possibility when you’d have to fight for your rights to care for them or parent them.

But sometimes, even the most loving marriage and relationship come to a bitter end, and both you and your parent are left fighting child custody battles for many years.

You both need to decide which custody type you’ll be opting for along with figuring out how both of you will be spending time with your kids. It can be an exhausting and tedious process for all parties involved but hiring a good family lawyer in Canada will definitely reduce your stress and ease your burden.

Furthermore, knowing about various child custody types will also come in handy when choosing the best option for you and your family. If you want to learn more about different custody types, here’s our guide to help you out.

Legal custody or joint legal custody

As the name suggests, legal custody refers to your child’s legal custodial parent. They get to make all the decisions about the child including their education, schooling, health, and much more.

They have the legal right to make decisions on behalf of the child until he’s old enough or reaches the legal age.

A judge could choose one parent or both parents get joint legal custody, in which case, both parents are responsible for making decisions on behalf of their kid.

Physical custody

Where legal custody means both or one parent gets to decide things on behalf of their kid, physical custody decides which parent gets to take the child home. It’s generally granted to the parent with who the child spends more time while the other parent gets visitation rights.

Parents consulting a family lawyer for child custodyMuch like legal custody, physical custody can also be shared between the parents and the child or children have to spend equal time living with both parents.

If a judge sees fit, they can choose to give both parents joint physical custody or joint legal custody, ensuring both parents get enough time with their kids and provide their input when deciding essential matters.

Sole or full child custody

If you haven’t been living under a rock your whole life, you might’ve seen movie and TV show characters wanting sole or full custody of a child.

This gives them the right to decide everything about the kids without consulting with the other parent and the children also live with this parent permanently, leaving the other parent with little to no rights over their kids without the authorization of the sole custody parent.

If you want to keep your child custody disputes in Canada as short as possible, check out what our family lawyers have to offer.

With over 150 years of combined experience, At Nanda & Associate Lawyers, we offer effective practical solutions to all your legal problems. We cover a plethora of practice areas including family law, immigration law, real estate law, commercial law, financial disputes, personal injury law, and much more.

For more information, get in touch with us!

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