The Ultimate Guide to Dog Bite Prevention

a photo of a dog

According to an estimate, over 5,000 dog bites are reported every year in Ontario and approximately 42 dog bite accidents happen every hour in Canada. Another study indicates that 1-2 deaths can be attributed to dog bites.

Gnarly and unexpected dog attacks are responsible for severe injuries and deaths. Let’s look at some ways you can prevent dog bites.

Dog Selection

To protect yourself and your family from dog bites, always choose a dog with good mannerisms and temperament.

a photo of a dogBesides, if you are outside, make sure you’re staying away from dogs you don’t know. While approaching a dog, move sluggishly and give the dog a chance to come towards you. If it becomes aggressive, don’t scream or run; but maintain your calm and don’t make eye contact with the dog.

Improve Your Communication

Since human beings and dogs communicate differently, oftentimes, people tend to misunderstand the message their dog’s trying to convey, and as a result, it ends up biting someone.

To avoid such situations, the WHO recommends maintaining responsive and witty behavior around dogs. Dogs always bite when they feel angst, pain, fear, or frustration. They may also bite if they feel the need to defend their territory. This often happens when a dog has not been socialized with other animals or human beings.

Reducing the Risk of Rabies

Preventing dog bites is also critical for minimizing the risk of contracting rabies. Bites are certainly the most common mode of rabies transmission. Whether you’re vaccinated or not, if you get bitten by a dog try getting a rabies shot immediately.

Need Help?

Have you or your loved one been bitten by a dog? In Canada, the dog owner will be held responsible for your loss. An experienced personal injury lawyer can help you file an application and get what you deserve!

At Nanda & Associate Lawyers Professional Corporation, we’ve established a reputation as a trusted Canadian immigration law firm with a team of some of the most qualified and experienced Canadian lawyers who offer legal services related to personal injury, family law, business, entrepreneurship, disability benefits, or real estate.

Book a free consultation with us today.


Disclaimer: This article is only intended for educational purposes and shouldn’t be used as a substitute for legal advice.

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