How to File an Immigration Application That Won’t Be Rejected

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People from all around the world are moving to Canada to improve their lifestyle and standard of living. Looking to get permanent residency (PR) in Canada? Let’s look at how you can prepare your Canada PR application to submit to the IRCC (Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada).

Learn About Your Eligibility

Canada offers several immigration options within the three major categories: economic, refugee and humanitarian, and family classes. While some immigration programs are based on points, a few don’t have any point requirements. Similarly, some programs are favorable for early applicants because there are served on first-come bases, while some don’t, and some immigration programs need you to have a sponsor while some programs don’t have any sponsor requirements.

First, you need to find the right immigration route that suits your circumstances and research it well.

Submit Relevant and Accurate Documents

IRCC needs immigration applicants to provide several important documents, and some of them may even take you months to obtain. Waiting for them to ask you formally about these documents is a big mistake as it may delay your application approval.

Sunset from a planeIf for instance, acquiring documents like work references, criminal history, and civil status from some countries may take several weeks. Therefore, it’s best if you gather them before being formally asked.

Pay Attention to Detail

Not all applications get rejected because of the applicant’s ineligibility. Sometimes it’s just because of their negligence towards tiny details such as not reading the instructions carefully or not conforming to an assumption. You shouldn’t leave your concerns unaddressed as well. To improve your chances of approval, you need to check and double-check all documents and document requirements and if you have any questions, consult experienced legal counsel.

Need Legal Support?

If you want to immigrate to Canada, you need to pay immaculate attention to your applications, files, and important documents. Nanda & Associate Lawyers Professional Corporation is a well-known Canadian immigration law firm with a team of highly qualified and experienced lawyers and professional Canadian immigration consultants. We assist our clients in seamlessly navigating through the Canadian immigration and application processes and looking to make a living in Canada.

Want to learn about the eligibility criteria or application process professional Canadian immigration law firm? Schedule a free consultation session with us today.

Disclaimer: This blog is only intended for educational purposes and shouldn’t be used as a substitute for legal advice.




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