Filing for Divorce: A Step-by-Step Guide

Meta: From the divorce application to the legalities of child custody, the divorce process can become a legal complication in no time if you don’t hire a lawyer. Filing for Divorce: A Step-by-Step Guide A sign of a broken heart

Marriage is a beautiful contract between two people which allows them to spend their whole life together. However, sometimes, things don’t work out, and separation is the way to go to ensure your physical and mental wellbeing. It’s no secret that the pandemic triggered stress levels, and unsurprisingly, 2.7 million Canadian citizens opted for a divorce in 2020.

In the challenging emotional circumstances of a divorce, many couples don’t think straight and end up making legal mistakes.

Here’s a step-by-step guide for filing a divorce.

Step 1: Get A Divorce Application Form

Once you’ve decided that you and your partner can’t stay together and want to put an end to the relationship, it’s time to get a divorce application form. The divorce application is a lengthy process, and we’d recommend you hire a lawyer who can help out both parties.

Step 2: Decide The Reason For The Divorce

You and your partner will have to first decide on the reason for the separation. If you both feel that no party was at fault, you can mutually fill the form and complete the uncontested divorce process.

However, if you feel your partner is at fault, you’ll need to provide evidence to back your claims. We’d recommend you opt for a law firm to help you fight your divorce case in court.

Step 3: Child Custody

It’s no secret that children are the most affected during a divorce. The mental health of children can deteriorate, which is why parents need to be careful about their custody.

For an uncontested divorce, both parents can mutually decide the future of their child. However, for a contested divorce, both parents will have to provide evidence on who can offer better parenting.

Step 4: File The Divorce In The Courthouse

You can submit the divorce papers in the courthouse of your province yourself or hire a lawyer to handle all the paperwork. Once the papers are submitted, you’ll have to wait for a confirmation from The Central Registry For Divorce  Proceedings.

A couple signing divorce papersFamily Lawyers Available For Divorce Agreement

While you’re handling the emotional stress of the divorce, let us take care of all the paperwork for you. Visit Nanda and Associate Lawyers Professional Corporation to connect with top-notch family lawyers who can help with the divorce agreement.

We also provide immigration services for clients who’re looking to migrate to Canada. We can help you acquire work permits, spousal sponsorships, and much more. We’re also proud to announce that due to our efficient immigration consultancy work, we’re nominated for the 2022 Top Choice Award.

For more details, contact us today!


Disclaimer: This article is only intended for educational purposes and shouldn’t be used as a substitute for legal advice.

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