Circumstances Where You Should Hire A Personal Injury Lawyer to Get Long-Term Disability Compensation

Applying bandage on a person’s hand.

Many people tend to be dismayed by the many reports they hear of people failing to get disability compensation from their insurance companies. While it can be difficult to challenge the company, it’s not impossible. It’s your legal right to have a personal injury lawyer assist you in these matters. Long-term disability compensation, in particular, is a major resource that can make things easier for you while you recover.

Disability Insurance

If you’re injured, ill, or suffer an accident at work, you will not be able to perform your regular duties. In such cases, you might not be financially compensated if you don’t have disability insurance. It offers the right financial support in such trying times by giving you monthly benefits when you’re recovering from a physically disabling or psychologically damaging condition.

When You Should File a Claim

In most parts of the world, including British Columbia, there are statutes of limitations for insurance claims when it comes to disability cases. It’s recommended that you consult with a personal injury lawyer with ample experience to ensure you get the right amount of time to prepare all the evidence and other information that you need to strengthen your case.

Make sure that you get in touch with legal counsel as soon as possible, so you don’t miss out on any deadlines in the process.

Why You Should Hire a Lawyer for Long-Term Disability Benefits

Unfortunately, employees are often not provided these benefits before they can continue working, preventing them from getting the financial support that they deserve. It’s important to be aware that every policy has different conditions that need to be fulfilled. While these can be fairly detailed, they’re also difficult to fulfill, which makes it a problem to qualify for them.

Person feeling an injury.

Instead of letting someone wrongfully deny your claim, you can work with a personal injury lawyer to help you get long-term disability benefits:

Reduce Stress

Working with insurance companies is not easy. Not only does it add to a lot of stress because you have to focus on a lot of details, but there’s generally an overload of information. You’re also required to deal with a lot of paperwork in general. Considering that you’re already in a difficult position, it’s smart to let your legal counsel attend to the matter.

It allows you to focus on getting better while your legal counsel deals with the brunt of the issue for you. They’ll be ready to provide you with all the details that you should be aware of.

Avoid Complicated Wording

Insurance companies can be fairly difficult to deal with. To make matters worse, they often use fairly precise wordings and terminologies across their content which requires a lot of assessment and understanding. To make matters worse, these could potentially be something you don’t want or the adverse of what you desire.

Don’t try to go through these on your own and have legal counsel in these matters. Your personal injury lawyer will be well-acquainted with these aspects and will help point out these issues for you. It can help potentially avoid many pitfalls.

In the case of Private Investigators

In worst-case scenarios, some insurance companies will try their best to make sure that your case is valid. They will resort to having private investigators, who are tasked with building a case against you with surveillance and other ways to discredit you.

It’s not in the best interest of the insurance company to provide you with the insurance money, and they will spin the narrative. Having an experience long-term disability lawyer helps out a lot as they will assist you in preparing all the relevant information that you can use to defend yourself.

Dealing with Your Doctor

You won’t be able to outright tell your doctor that you want to present a case to your insurance company for long-term disability compensation. In such a case, your lawyer will be helpful in consulting your doctor and get the necessary information for your case. They’re aware of what questions and information they need to acquire. All of these are calculated and deliberate, helping develop your case that you can present for your appeal.

What to Do If Your Claim Has Been Denied

It’s very common for long-term disability to be wrongfully denied. These are some of the main reasons that insurance companies present to reject disability claims:

  • The medical condition you have does not fall under the definition of ‘disability.’
  • A lack of evidence to support the injury.
  • The claim was not filed on time.

In such cases, it’s smart to get in touch with an experienced long-term disability lawyer. Even if a claim is denied, this doesn’t imply that the case is permanently closed. Your lawyer will go over the policy and help you collect all the necessary evidence that’s required to prove that your condition meets the definition of ‘disability’ according to your insurance policy.

If you’re looking for personal injury lawyers in Toronto to assist you in your insurance claim, make sure that you have an experienced resource that’s worked on similar cases. They can help strengthen your case to help you get the disability insurance you need. Our professionals at Nanda and Associate Lawyers have experience in such cases, assisting our clients in going through the process. We provide corporate lawyers, civil lawyers, commercial real estate lawyers, and family lawyers in Toronto.

Get in touch with us today or book an appointment with our professionals.

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