An Overview of Immigration and Refugees in Canada

skyline view of a city

Canada is known for its welcoming policies on immigration, refugees, and multiculturalism. In fact, Canada boasts of having the highest ratio of the foreign population across the entire western world. Foreigners make up one-fifth or roughly 21.5% of the Canadian population. This makes the country the eighth-largest immigration population in the world.

The number of immigrants in Canada is increasing day by day. To explain this further, there were approximately 107,865 immigrants only in Ontario between July 2020 and June 2021. Additionally, the gender of immigrants in Canada was also an even split.

Canada is a prime destination for people who seek equal opportunities in one of the world’s leading economies.

That’s why we’re discussing everything you need to know about immigration appeals and refugee claims.

Role of Immigration in Canada and How the Public Views Immigration

Immigration has played a substantial role in building the society and culture of Canada. Historically, immigrants helped expand tracts of land and settled there after the country gained independence from the United Kingdom.

skyline view of TorontoDuring the 1960s and 70s, legislators laid the groundwork for cultural diversity in the immigration system. It was in 1976 when legislators organized the country’s commitment to refugees. This legislation made it mandatory for Federal as well as provincial officials to make immigration targets. They set these immigration targets to meet their social, cultural, and economic objectives.

Today, Canada is an attractive destination for immigrants due to its pro-immigration policies, universal healthcare, diversity, stable economy, and more. Similarly, immigrants have long had a significant role in helping the country’s economy. In recent years, immigrants helped counter the aging demographics by providing a relatively younger workforce to boost its economy.

Moreover, the general Canadian public also sees immigration as beneficial for the country. According to a poll conducted in 2021, more than 70 percent of Canadians were welcoming and viewed immigration positively. This is due to the country’s long-running efforts in embracing and promoting multiculturalism.

The Process of Immigration in Canada

There are four categories set by the country when it comes to admitting permanent residency.

The first is economic. Canada’s economic immigration process is acknowledged as one of the best around the world. The largest share of immigrants is from federal-designed high-skilled worker programs. Applicants have to go through a point system that favours younger candidates who are highly educated, proficient in English or French, or have job offers. Those who rank higher on the system are invited to apply for permanent residency.

Canadian rocky mountains and lakeThe Provincial Nominee Program comes next and accounts for around one-fourth of immigrants. This program is based in provinces and has a regional approach to immigration.

The second category is family. Immigrants can get permanent residency via their spouses, partners, or children who are Canadian citizens or permanent residents. Canada also recognizes same-sex couples, including those who aren’t married. Although they have to provide evidence of the length of their relationship.

Refugees and protected persons make up the third category. Canada is renowned for its open-door policy. In fact, Canada became the world’s top refugee resettler in 2018 after granting residency to more than twenty-eight thousand displaced people. There are two types of refugee programs, privately sponsored and government-assisted. The latter are usually referred by the UN High Commissioner for Refugees. Meanwhile, privately sponsored refugees are sponsored by approved organizations and citizens. Additionally, refugees undergo a screening process and can’t apply on their own.

The final category is the humanitarian one. These people are granted permanent residency if they’re facing hardships in their home country. However, they must receive permission to apply for it.

Classifications of Immigrants and Refugees

The country classifies different types of immigrants and refugees. This can be confusing for those who are looking to immigrate to Canada. That’s why we’re listing these classifications with their definitions below in great detail.

Permanent Residency

Permanent residency is when the country grants people the right to live permanently in Canada via immigration. However, it’s good to remember that permanent residency status doesn’t mean that you’re a Canadian citizen. Permanent residents are still citizens of the country they immigrated from.

Refugees need to go through Government-Assisted Refugee Programs. You won’t immediately become a permanent resident when you file the refugee claim. In fact, you have to get approved first.

Permanent residents are required to live in Canada for at least a couple years during a time limit of five years. They can’t vote, but they have their rights secured under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. In saying that, they can also apply for citizenship after three years.

There are different categories when it comes to permanent residency. You can be sponsored by a family member (parent, grandparents, spouses, etc.) who is a citizen or permanent resident in Canada. This is called the family class category. Similarly, if you have the skills to contribute to Canada financially, you will be selected as an economic immigrant.

Those who are refugees can be selected as government-assisted refugees, privately sponsored refugees, and protected persons in Canada.

Temporary Residency

These residents are foreign citizens who are legally authorized to enter Canada temporarily. They usually come under some purpose and are holders of a work permit, study permit, or a temporary visitor permit.

These people are allowed to work, study, or visit Canada after evaluation to see if they meet the legislation’s requirements. Those looking for asylum in Canada are also considered temporary residents while they’re waiting for their claim’s results.

Do you need help immigrating to Canada? Consider our services as an immigration consultant in Mississauga at Nanda & Associate Lawyers.

At Nanda & Associate Lawyers, we have a highly-experienced team of immigration lawyers to assist you through the process. We’re a boutique law firm in Mississauga that offers immigration consultantions and tailored services for immigration appeals, refugee claims, and spouse sponsorships.

Reach out to us now to find out more about how our Canadian immigration lawyers can help you out.


Disclaimer: This article is only intended for educational purposes and shouldn’t be used as a substitute for legal advice.


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