All You Need to Know About a Canadian Business Visa: Requirements, Activities, And More

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Want to visit Canada on business? For that, you need to have a business visitor visa, what you’re allowed to do as a business visitor, and the basic requirements for entering Canada for business.

So, What’s a Business Visitor?

The term, ‘business visitor’ refers to Canadian visit visa holders who enter the country to participate in the international market. These people don’t take any part in the country’s labor market and only visit the country temporarily in search of an opportunity to grow their business, invest and improve their business relationships. These visitors typically stay in Canada for a few weeks or even days; they can’t stay in the country for more than 6 months.

How to Qualify as a Business Visitor in Canada

Everyone who wishes to qualify as a business visitor needs to show the following information.

  • An immigration consultant at NandaThey only plan to stay for up to 6 months.
  • They have no plans of entering the country’s labor market.
  • Your business isn’t based in Canada. Your primary source of income and place of business is located outside the country.
  • You’re eligible to enter the country and meet the country’s fundamental entry requirements. i.e., you have a legal travel document, you can easily manage your finances during your stay and on the way back home, you’ll leave the country at the end of your visit and you don’t have any criminal records, health risks, or security issues.

Activities You May Conduct

Here’s a list of some activities you can conduct as a business visitor in Canada.

  • Purchasing services or goods for a foreign government or business.
  • Taking orders for your products and services.
  • Attend meetings and participate and engage in conventions, conferences, and trade fairs.
  • Acquire training from a Canadian parent company for which you work from some other country
  • Provide training to the employees of your foreign company’s Canadian employees.
  • Get trained by a Canada-based company from where you’ve bought some equipment, products, or services.

While these points are valid for a majority of countries, if you belong to the US or are a Mexican national, you may also participate in several other activities including but not limited to marketing, research, and general services under the Canada-United States-Mexico Agreement. Check out the Global Affairs Canada website, for more details on the subject.


Need Help?

At Nanda & Associate Lawyers, our immigration consultants help people move to the country on a temporary or permanent basis. Schedule an online appointment with us today!

Disclaimer: This blog is only intended for educational purposes and shouldn’t be used as a substitute for legal advice.

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