Why Do You Need a Real Estate Lawyer When Selling a Property in Canada?


Selling properties has always been one of the most profitable earning methods for most people. However, it comes with a wide range of challenges that a beginner might not be able to grasp. If you’re wondering why you might need legal assistance from a real estate lawyer while selling a property in Canada, here are three reasons to help you understand.

For Property Division

The first reason why hiring a real estate lawyer is a good idea when selling a property is that they can assist you with property division. Many people sell houses and properties for a divorce or a legal separation. This increases the need for equal property distribution between both parties.

Therefore, a real estate lawyer can go over your situation and provide you with legal counsel to understand how the money received from selling the property will be divided among partners.

Complex Property Issues

Selling a property can be challenging, especially if they’re a part of complex issues. These include boundary disputes, disputes between landlords and tenants, inspection problems, and more.

If you think you’re likely to experience these problems while selling a house, it’s always a good idea to resort to a real estate lawyer’s services. They can provide you with an efficient roadmap of selling a disputed property and ensuring that you sell your house according to the desirable timeline.

Selling Inherited Property

If you’ve inherited a piece of land from a deceased person, you might want to benefit from it by selling it. However, selling inherited property isn’t as simple as it sounds. It requires you to acquire a succession certificate and other documents to initially have the property in your name.

Fortunately, real estate lawyers can help you throughout this process. They can file all the paperwork for you, helping you ensure that your property is sold efficiently.

a new house

Selling a property by listing it on the market can be significantly challenging without proper legal assistance. If you’re thinking of putting any of your properties on the market, don’t forget to reach out to the real estate lawyers at Nanda & Associate Lawyers. We’re a leading group of lawyers specializing in offering reliable legal counsel to all our clients. You can now count on us to help you comply with all the legalities of selling a house quickly and efficiently. We can also assist you with civil litigation, personal injury, divorce, spousal sponsorship, and more. Contact us to learn more today!

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