When Do You Need the Help of a Personal Injury Lawyer?

A lawyer reading documents

Every 30 seconds, a person visits an emergency in Ontario with a personal injury. According to Toronto Public Health, 95 percent of these injuries are preventable with adequate safety measures.

But what if, despite your cautious behavior, somebody else’s negligence or mistake causes you a personal injury? The physical, emotional, and financial trauma of such an injury is then compensated through a personal injury claim.

Therefore, knowing when to hire a personal injury lawyer is important for everyone.

Who is a Personal Injury Lawyer?

A personal injury lawyer is an expert in personal injury claims. Personal injury lawyers help their clients file a claim against the individual/organization whose fault resulted in their client’s injury. The lawyer then pursues the claim on the client’s behalf, negotiates the compensation, and conducts civil litigation if needed. Most personal injury lawyers are hired on a contingency basis.

When to Hire a Personal Injury Lawyer?

If you’re wondering whether you should hire a personal injury lawyer or not, then read about the situations that call for a top lawyer’s assistance.

Road Accidents

Road accidents, including car, bicycle, or motorcycle accidents that happened because of the other driver’s mistake, can be taken up as personal injury claims.

Cropped photo of a lawyer and client with paperwork

Public Place Injuries

Malls, parks, offices, and pavements outside a neighbor’s home are public places. If any individual or organization fails to comply with the public safety standards and, as a result, someone gets injured, the negligent party can be sued through a personal injury claim.

Medical Malpractice

Medical malpractice claims can be filed against doctors and paramedics who fail to comply with patients’ safety standards and cause them an injury or lifelong disability. Wrongful deaths of a family member can also be pursued under a personal injury claim with a lawyer in Toronto.

Poor-Quality Consumer Goods

If you get injured/ harmed because of a defective product, you can file a personal injury claim against the manufacturer.

Hire Personal Injury Lawyers in Toronto!

Now that you know when to hire a personal injury lawyer, it’s time to reach out to us at Nanda and Associate Lawyers and discuss your personal injury case. We also offer legal assistance from top family lawyers, criminal lawyers, and immigration lawyers in Toronto.

Book a consultation to discuss your case today.

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