The Dos and Don’ts of Spousal Sponsorship in Canada

Two people standing in front of a Christmas tree at an airport

Canada is a beautiful country with a rich culture and diverse population. It’s no surprise that many people worldwide choose to make it their home. For those with a spouse or partner who is a Canadian citizen or permanent resident, spousal sponsorship can be an excellent option for obtaining permanent residency in Canada.

Nanda & Associate Lawyers has immigration lawyers that have helped many people get approved for spousal sponsorships in Canada. As such, we’ve curated a list of dos and don’ts for a quick approval.

Be Honest and Accurate in Your Application

When applying for spousal sponsorship in Canada, your application must be honest and accurate. This means providing all the required information, such as your personal and contact details, immigration history, and relationship details. Providing false or misleading information in your application can result in your application being refused or even being barred from applying for any Canadian immigration program in the future.

Provide Sufficient Documentation

The success of your spousal sponsorship application will largely depend on the evidence you provide to support your relationship. This includes photos, messages, other communication records, financial records, and evidence of time spent together. Make sure you provide sufficient documentation to prove the genuineness of your relationship. In 2022, the number of people approved for spousal sponsorship increased by 22.7%.

Be Prepared for the Interview

If your spousal sponsorship application is selected for an interview, it’s essential to be prepared. This means familiarizing yourself with your application and the documents you provided and being ready to answer questions about your relationship. The interview is a crucial part of the process, and it’s important to be honest and answer all questions truthfully.

a couple holding hands

Don’t Hide Any Information

As mentioned earlier, honesty is important for spousal sponsorship in Canada. This includes disclosing relevant information, such as previous immigration applications, criminal history, or any medical conditions that may affect your application. Failing to disclose any information can result in your application being refused or even being barred from applying for any Canadian immigration program in the future.

Don’t Submit False or Misleading Documents

Submitting false or misleading documents is a serious offence that can result in your application being refused or even being barred from applying for any Canadian immigration program in the future. Make sure you provide genuine and accurate documents that support your relationship.

Don’t Get Discouraged

Spousal sponsorship in Canada can be complex and lengthy, and it’s easy to get discouraged along the way. However, it’s important to stay positive and focused on your goal. If your application is refused, you may be able to appeal the decision or reapply with a stronger application.

Need Help With Spousal Sponsorship

Applying for spousal sponsorship in Canada can be complex and time-consuming, but following the dos and don’ts outlined in this blog can help increase your chances of success. If you need further guidance or assistance with your spousal sponsorship application, Nanda & Associate Lawyers have experienced immigration lawyers who can help with spousal sponsorships.

We also have personal injury lawyers, immigration lawyers, corporate lawyers, and more. Book a consultation, and let us help you navigate the complex legal process!

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