Here’s What You Need to Know About Spousal Support after Divorce

A person giving money

Disclaimer: This article is only intended for educational purposes and shouldn’t be used as a substitute for legal advice.

Spousal support is also known as alimony for couples who were once legally married. It’s a way to financially assist them in living a better and more peaceful life. Every province and territory in Canada holds a different view of spousal support; therefore, it’s necessary to learn about laws and regulations before applying for it.

How Much Spousal Support Does One Get?

The spousal support is calculated based on how long the marriage ended, the needs of the other spouse, their living standards, the spouse’s age, and so much more. The spousal support will vary according to the spouse’s financial status and living conditions. A divorce attorney can help in presenting a strong case for spousal support.

Here is how the court assesses the amount of alimony:

  • Age, emotional state, physical condition, and financial situation of the spouse
  • The length of time for which the recipient will need support
  • The standard of living
  • Length of the marriage
  • The financial condition of the paying spouse

Is Spousal Support Paid for a Lifetime?

Usually, the spousal support payments are made per the length of the marriage if it’s less than ten years. If the paying spouse is ordered to pay spousal support for a lifetime, they are supposed to pay it until they die. Often the court gives their verdict to pay the spousal support even if the other spouse remarries.

 A couple sitting togetherTherefore, as women are becoming more financially independent, the court does not offer lifetime spousal support in many cases. While giving a verdict, the court assesses the highest earner among husband and wife to support the low earner.

Call the Best Family Lawyer to Support Your Case

When filing for spousal support in court, you need the best representation to win the case. It’s important to get financial assistance in the starting phase to maintain a living standard while you’re going through emotional turmoil.

Spousal support is an excellent way to help you come out of crises while dealing with your trauma. A good lawyer will understand your situation and offer you the best support you’re in search of. We’re here to help you get fair spousal support to get back on track. We are also one of the finest Canadian immigration lawyers in the country. Call one of our expert lawyers today.


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